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Elevate your oral care and take care of your teeth with the Selahatin whitening toothpastes. We've selected the Hypnotist, Escapist and Amorist toothpaste from Selahatin that are developed with unique flavors and ingredients. All toothpastes are developed with whitening agents that create a natural result. The tube features a clean a modern design that represents the balance between art and industry - the toothpaste can be used for 12 months when opened. Find your favorite scent and flavor and go for a beautiful smile with our selection of Selahatin toothpastes.

Selahatin Online Shop

We present a new and luxurious addition to our online beauty shop: Selahatin oral care. This Stockholm based brand is founded in 2016 and represents a combination of art and industry. The brand's ambition is to elevate the experience of an essential everyday routine. In our online shop you can find a selection of Selahatin whitening toothpastes that are created with inspiring aromas, magnetic aesthetics and clinical performances. All Selahatin products are made in Switzerland, are vegan and not tested on animals. The aromas of the toothpastes are inspired by the way perfumes are composed and contain four whitening agents that are officially certified. Upgrade your routine and discover the Selahatin toothpastes in our online shop.

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